Wow! This resonates with me and interesting that I find it “courageous” to talk about it openly. Hmmmm.

So glad I met you so long ago - at Case! Can’t wait to continue to read about your journey!

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Wow..this one got me thinking about the things I'm holding on to from childhood...what feels like my responsibility vs. my destiny. Thanks for sharing. You're making a difference.

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I’m just SO GLAD YOU’RE WRITING and sharing with us! I love reading your stuff :) ♥️♥️

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so... that show on Netflix stressed me out a bit - I started wondering whether it would be traumatic for the child to experience! they seem so young. I do think there is a time to push kids to stretch beyond what they think is possible for themselves, and as a parent I have always found it challenging to know when to nudge or when it's too much pressure. as a recovering workaholic and perfectionist I don't want my kid to experience the same pressure I felt... but we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable too!

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